Men's Health Week, Men's Digestive Health

Why is Men's Digestive Health So Important?

With Father’s Day (in the US) and Men’s Health Week coming together in June it’s the perfect time to talk about men’s digestive health and… of course, finding the perfect gift for the #1 Dad in your life. You have to ask; does your Dad really need another golf club or new PJ’s? What about giving Dads a little of their toilet time back with a gift to support their #2s?

Men’s digestive health is an often-overlooked topic; with the statistics showing that men are much less likely than women to take care of their digestive systems. But with Men’s Health Week just around the corner, now is the perfect time to start focusing on men’s digestive health.

Keep reading as we explore why digestion is so important for men’s overall wellbeing and what you can do to improve it. Plus, we’ll reveal a simple yet effective tool that can make all the difference in your bowel movements: a toilet foot stool! So, sit back, put your feet up and get ready to learn about how you can achieve better digestive health during Men’s Health Week and every day after.

Statistics on Men’s Digestive Health

Did you know that men are less likely to take care of their digestive health than women? According to the American Gastroenterological Association, men are 1.5 times more likely than women to develop colon cancer, and yet they’re also less likely to get screened for it.

In addition, statistics show that men suffer from digestive conditions such as acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) at higher rates than women. This can be attributed in part to lifestyle factors such as poor diet choices, stress, and lack of exercise.

Furthermore, research suggests that men may have a harder time talking about their digestive symptoms with healthcare providers. This can lead them to avoid seeking treatment until their condition has become more severe.

All these statistics point towards an urgent need for better awareness and education on men’s digestive health. By taking proactive steps towards improving gut health during Men’s Health Week and beyond, we can help prevent serious conditions while also promoting overall wellbeing.

Men’s Digestive Health Overlooked

Did you know that only 1 in 4 people prioritize their gut health… we think we can do better than that! Digestive health is often overlooked when it comes to men’s health, despite the fact that digestive issues affect a large number of men worldwide. In fact, according to statistics, around 60-70 million people in the United States alone suffer from some form of digestive problem. And according to CSIRO, 50% of Australians suffer from some type of digestive issue.

Despite these staggering numbers, many men tend to ignore their digestive symptoms or simply mask them with over-the-counter medications. This can lead to more serious problems down the line if left untreated.

While diet and lifestyle factors play a significant role in maintaining good digestive health, it’s important for men to get regular check-ups and screenings as well. Many gastrointestinal issues such as colon cancer can go unnoticed until they have moved to more advanced stages. Therefore, it’s vital for men not only focus on their physical appearance but also pay attention to their internal wellbeing by putting an emphasis on their digestive system.

What Can You Do for Your Digestion Today?

Men’s digestive health is an extremely important aspect of their overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, as stated, it tends to be overlooked by many men. However, there are several things that you can do to improve your digestive health.

Firstly, make sure that you’re eating a healthy diet that’s high in fibre and low in processed foods. This will help keep your digestion running smoothly.

Secondly, consider using a toilet foot stool like a PROPPR to help improve your bowel movements. Elevating your feet while sitting on the toilet can put your body into a more natural position for easier elimination.

Benefits of Using a Toilet Foot Stool

There are many benefits of using a toilet foot stool, including:

  1. Better elimination. When you use a toilet foot stool, you’re able to bring your knees up higher than your hips, which opens up your sigmoid colon and makes it easier and faster to eliminate waste. We did say you’d get some of your time back!
  2. Increased comfort. Toilet foot stools also help to reduce strain on your back and legs when you’re on the toilet, making for a more comfortable experience overall. This is especially important for those with lower back pain which can cause constipation.
  3. Improved gut health. By improving your elimination, a toilet foot stool can also help improve your detoxification pathways by ensuring unwanted toxins and bacteria leave your body.
  4. A natural way to boost energy levels. When your gut is healthy and functioning properly, it can lead to increased energy levels as well as improved mood and concentration.
  5. Easy to use, and a once-off purchase. Toilet foot stools are a simple and effective way to improve your bathroom experience; and they’re easy to use – simply place them in front of your toilet before you go!

Not only is the PROPPR toilet foot stool a great way to improve gut health, it’s also an excellent way to promote better posture and alignment while sitting on our ‘thrones’, aka the western pedestal toilet. Whether you or your loved one suffers from (now very common) gut health issues like constipation, haemorrhoids, or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome); or they just want an easier and more comfortable bathroom experience, this stool is sure to make a world of difference to the ‘king’ of your heart and family!

And of course, don’t hesitate to see your Naturopath, Nutritionist or doctor if you’re experiencing any gastrointestinal issues such as bloating or constipation. These symptoms may be indicative of underlying conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

By taking steps to prioritise our digestive health during Men’s Health Week and beyond, we can lead happier and healthier lives overall. Remember – prevention is always better than cure!