Maximizing Gut Health with Enemas water enema proppr perfect match

Maximizing Gut Health with Enemas: The Perfect and PROPPR Match for a Healthy Digestive System

There are a few reasons why we are talking about enemas in this article. First and foremost, we’re all about maximizing gut health; and an enema plus a PROPPR are the perfect match for a healthy digestive system. Secondly, as a colonic hydrotherapist (Zhenya) I know that colonics for constipation are sometimes not available to everyone, whether it be because of cost or geographic location. Third, I’ve had too many recent conversations with friends and clients about the difference between a water enema and an enema suppository, which can be bought at the chemist (pharmacy).

Today we will discuss several topics for maximizing gut health; all enema related:

  1. The difference between water enemas and suppositories
  2. Why water enemas are preferred over suppositories
  3. Introduction to water enemas
  4. Benefits of a water enema
  5. How to prepare and administer an enema
  6. Take your enema to the next level with a PROPPR

Let’s get started.

Unless you are familiar with the definitions for “enema” and “suppository,” you may not understand why people confuse the two words. This is mainly because these words have no similarity in their spellings or pronunciations. They do not even belong to the same syllable group.

For these reasons, we start this article by explaining the definitions for each word.

Differences Between Water Enemas and Suppositories

What is the Definition of an Enema?

An enema is an injection of fluid (generally filtered water) into the lower bowel through the rectum. The term also refers to a liquid inserted into the rectum using a nozzle connected to a plastic or stainless steel container. The water is held for a specific time to help relieve constipation and bowel-related issues.

What is the Definition of a Suppository?

A suppository is a small medicine in the form of a conical, void, or cylindrical plug inserted into the body through a body cavity, like the rectum, vagina, or urethra. A suppository usually melts at body temperature, which means you do not need to take it out after inserting it.

Different suppository types exist, depending on which bodily cavity they are inserted into. As mentioned, they include the rectal, vaginal, and urethral suppositories, and they are provided in a specific dosage. The function of the suppository depends on where it is inserted. For instance, rectal suppositories are often a type of laxative to help treat bowel issues like constipation.

Why We Prefer Water Enemas

Water enemas are often used for constipation or emergency situations where a person needs to have a bowel movement but cannot do so on their own. Water enemas work by introducing water into the rectum and colon, which softens the stool and stimulates the person’s natural reflex (peristalsis) to expel the contents of their bowels.

Suppositories are another tool that can be used for constipation or emergency situations. Unlike water enemas, suppositories do not introduce any new liquid into the body. Instead, they work by stimulating the muscles in the rectum and colon, which helps to move the stool along. Suppositories are usually made of glycerol or laxatives, which dissolve quickly once they are inserted into the rectum. Like laxatives that can be taken orally, sometimes they may not work if the bowel is dehydrated. This is the reason why an enema can be more beneficial than a suppository, and why we prefer them.

Whilst some may prefer the convenience of a suppository, given it’s just a simple insertion into the rectum which only takes a moment; a water enema, when administered properly is more hydrating and gentle on the bowels than laxatives may be.

Some people find water enemas to be more comfortable on the bowel than suppositories, although again this is subjective.

Introduction to Water Enemas

Water enemas are a safe, simple, and effective way to cleanse the lower area of the large intestine. They have been used for centuries as a natural method of cleansing and detoxification. Water enemas can be done at home with little equipment or expense.

There are many benefits of water enemas, including the relief of constipation, removal of toxins and waste from the body, increased energy, better digestion and even better sleep! Water enemas are also an excellent way to prepare for a bowel movement, making them ideal for those who suffer from constipation, haemorrhoids or anal fissures.

To enhance comfort and efficiency, it is important to use filtered lukewarm water and to insert the nozzle gently into the rectum. The water should be released slowly and held in for several minutes before being expelled while sitting on your ‘throne’ and, of course (!), using a PROPPR under your feet. Initially it will take some getting used to, and our friends at Happy Bum Co have taken the time to put together a video tutorial on exactly how to administer an enema… and don’t worry, they keep it clean 😉.

Benefits of Using a Water Enema

There are many benefits to using a water enema over suppositories for maximizing gut health. They are more efficient in cleansing the colon because the water can reach higher up into the colon than a suppository can. Remember, suppositories do not add any water into the bowel. Often times constipation occurs due to lack of hydration in the large intestine. Additionally, water enemas are less likely to cause discomfort or irritation than suppositories.

Water enemas work by gently soaking the colon with warm water. This helps soften the stool and remove built-up waste and toxins, promoting better overall colon health. Enemas can also help to relieve inflammation in the bowel and improve digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals.

There are a few different types of water enemas available, but the most common is a simple water enema like the one from Happy Bum Co. This type of enema is safe for most people to use and is readily available at some pharmacies or you can buy a kit online.

How to Prepare for a Water Enema

Water enemas are a great way to cleanse the colon and relieve constipation. In addition to the info you’ll find on the Happy Bum Co site, here are some of my own tips on how to prepare for a water enema:

  1. Set up your bathroom with everything you need; towel, pillow, candle, magazine, music, anything you want in there to feel comfortable.
    • Assemble the enema kit, filling the enema bag with lukewarm filtered water. Start off with using filtered lukewarm water only. Once you are used to an enema you can start adding things like coffee, probiotics, etc.
    • Place the enema bag within easy reach. Important note here: the bag only needs to hang slightly higher than the hips. The higher you hang the bag the faster (gravity) the water will come through the tube and into the rectum. You always want to start off SLOW. So be sure to hang the bag low when first starting out.
  2. Empty your bladder before starting the enema. This will help you to avoid any discomfort during the procedure.
  3. Lubricate the tip of the enema nozzle with a water-based lubricant or coconut oil. This will help to prevent any irritation when inserting the nozzle into the rectum.
  4. Lay on your towel and onto your left side and insert the nozzle into the rectum carefully and slowly. Once you fee that the nozzle is in place you can either stay on your left side or roll onto your back. Begin to release the water into the colon. Only put in a little bit to begin with, pause, take a few deep breaths and then add more water. Continue to do this until you feel “full.”
    • You may feel some cramping during this process – if this happens, pause the flow of water and try to breathe through the cramp as it may just be a gas bubble that the water is trying to get past. But if the cramping is very uncomfortable, stop the flow of water, remove the tube and sit on the toilet. Release whatever is there and decide if you want to continue your enema (if there is still water to use up.) The cramping will subside once the bowels are healthier and peristalsis improves.
  5. Once all the water has emptied from the bag, if you are more or less comfortable allow yourself to remain lying down for 5-10 minutes before removing the nozzle and allow yourself to expel any remaining solution into the toilet bowl with your feet PROPPed. Once you are an enema pro some people can hold the water for 20 minutes and up to an hour whilst going about their daily routine.
  6. Finally, be sure to cleanse both yourself and your equipment afterwards.

Maximizing Gut Health with a PROPPR Toilet Footstool – Why an Enema and PROPPR are the Perfect Match

There are a few reasons why a toilet footstool is a great idea for your bathroom. First, it can make going to the bathroom more comfortable by elevating your feet. This can help reduce strain on your back and improve your bathroom posture. Additionally, using a toilet footstool can help you achieve a better bowel movement because it puts you in a squatting position, which is optimal for elimination.

Not only is using a toilet foot stool more comfortable, but it’s also more efficient. When you use a standard toilet, you’re actually sitting in an unnatural position that doesn’t allow your bowels to fully empty easily, as it creates a kink in the colon. This can lead to constipation and other digestive issues. However, when you use a toilet foot stool, you’re able to replicate the ‘PROPPR’ squatting position which allows for full elimination.

So, if you’re looking for a way to alleviate gut issues like constipation and make your trips to the bathroom more comfortable and efficient, consider investing in a Happy Bum Co enema kit and a PROPPR toilet footstool! Use this link to purchase your Happy Bum Co Enema Kit and stop by the PROPPR shop for your toilet footstool.

Have Questions? Please send them to Zhenya and she’ll be happy to help as best she can.