Finalist in the Awards 2023

Finalist in the Awards 2023! Our Clear Acer Toilet Footstool is Enhancing Wellness with Style

Excitement… We’re a Finalist in the Awards 2023!!

Are you ready to take your gut health game to the next level? Well, we have some exciting news that will revolutionise your wellness routine! Our PROPPR toilet foot stool is a game-changer in the world of bathroom accessories and we’re thrilled to announce that our clear Acer has been named a FINALIST in the Awards 2023.

With its sleek design and ergonomic features, the PROPPR bathroom foot stool not only enhances your gut health and overall wellness, but adds a touch of elegance to your space also. Get ready to elevate both functionality and style in your bathroom!

About the Awards

The Awards are all about celebrating women who are making a difference in the world with their eCommerce businesses. This year, we’re thrilled to announce that our very own clear Acer toilet foot stool has been named a finalist in the Awards in the Women’s Self-care category!

This is a huge honour for us, and we’re so proud to be recognised for our commitment to helping women enhance their gut health and overall wellness with style. Our clear Acer toilet foot stool is the perfect product for anyone looking to improve their bathroom ‘outcomes’ with a product that was designed to replicate the ‘proppr’ position to poop.

So why did the judges choose our product as a finalist? We think it’s because they could see how much of a difference our toilet foot stool can make in the lives of women everywhere. If you’re looking for a way to improve your bathroom routine, we highly recommend giving our PROPPR toilet foot stools a try!

Benefits of Using a Toilet Foot Stool

A toilet foot stool like the PROPPR is a unique and innovative product that has many benefits for users. As supported by science, a toilet foot stool is designed to simulate a ‘proppr’ squat position while using a western pedestal toilet. Ideally you want your knees as close to your chest as possible, to mimic a full squat, however at the very least, you need your knees to be higher than your hips.

This postural position changes the angle of your body, which unkinks your colon, making it work with gravity rather than against it (think ‘S’ bend turning into a slide). Squatting is in fact the ancient way to poo, responsible for billions of folks pooping with no stress, no pain and simply ‘letting it all go’!

How the PROPPR Enhances Wellness and Style

Here are just a few of the benefits that a toilet foot stool like the PROPPR offers:

  1. Replicates the ‘proppr’ squat position on the toilet – The PROPPR is designed to get you into the PROPPR position to poo on the western pedestal toilet, and its ergonomic design makes it comfortable to use.
  2. Helps make your #2s quicker and more complete – Eliminating completely and often helps maintain good colon health. And, when our colons are clearer our bodies stand a better chance of absorbing all the nutrients from the food we eat, allowing us to enjoy more energy.
  3. Reduces the risk of bowel health issues – The colon is the main organ for the storage and elimination of waste and toxins from our bodies. Going regularly and more completely reduces the build-up between each bowel movement and also the accumulation of toxins. With a more complete bowel movement we can help reduce the risk of many of the issues that affect us in modern western cultures such as bowel disease, constipation, haemorrhoids, bloating and many more.
  4. Discrete, easy to manoeuvre and store – the PROPPR was deliberately designed not to wrap around the toilet pedestal for aesthetic reasons; and also due to the wide variety of bathroom sizes and toilet designs now available. It’s intended to fit neatly and discretely to the side of most toilets when not in use. This provides not only a better aesthetic, but also reduces the potential for it to be a trip hazard, given it can be easily tucked away.
  5. The PROPPR’s clean, modern design is both stylish and functional, making it a great addition to any bathroom. The anti-microbial acrylic of our Clear Acer is fully waterproof, hygienic easy to keep clean; so you can enjoy its good looks for years to come. Not to mention, it’s pretty much invisible!
  6. A one-off investment in your gut health – The PROPPR is intended to be a one-off purchase for daily use, and if looked after, it will last a lifetime.

Why Women’s Self Care Matters Now More Than Ever

It’s been a difficult few years for everyone; in these current times we are navigating the increasing costs of living, we’re working harder, both in the home and out of it, and we’re more stressed than ever. That’s why it’s so important to take care of ourselves and make sure we’re doing everything we can to stay healthy and happy.

Self care can seem like a luxury when you’re juggling so many other things, but it’s actually essential for our physical and mental health. When we take time for ourselves, we’re able to recharge and refocus our energy on the things that matter most. We may not be able to control everything in our lives, but we can control how we take care of ourselves.

There are endless ways to practice self care, but one simple way to start is focusing on our gut health and overall wellbeing is by ensuring you’ve got things truly moving when it comes to your bathroom business. This award-winning product (did we mention we’ve also won an Australian Good Design Award?) helps to elevate your feet while you use the western pedestal toilet, to replicate the squat position for a healthier #2. It’s also great for pregnant women or postpartum too.

We are proud to have been selected as a finalist in the Awards for 2023 with our clear Acer toilet foot stool, a product designed to help enhance your gut health and wellness – with style. So why not give yourself the gift of self care with your very own PROPPR today? Your mind, body, and gut will thank you for it!