How to Get Your Gut Healthy, and Keep it That Way
20 pages of tips and recipes for eating seasonally to help your digestive health.

You'll discover
- Cooling recipes to disperse heat and build up fluids in your body during Summer
- Foods to help with the dryness that Autumn can bring to our skin and the onset of coughs and colds
- Food and drink combinations to warm us in Winter
- Renewal recipes for soothing the liver and gallbladder in Spring

About the Authors
Zhenya and Jacqueline own the award-winning toilet foot
stool, the PROPPR, which helps simulate the squat position to straighten your colon, allowing you to poop with ease. Eating the right foods and passing the waste effectively is vital for a healthy gut.
Zhenya is an I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist,
Holistic Nutritionist, Wellness Consultant and Yoga Instructor, and has worked in the wellness industry since 2004. She founded Exhale Wellness
Spa in Sydney in 2013, and is driven by empowering people to be aware of their own bodies; to live a healthy life and to make conscious decisions about their own health and personal wellbeing.
Jacqueline worked as a marketing and communications
professional for over 30 years, primarily in the corporate and not-for-profit sectors, as well as freelance consulting work. As part of her own health and wellness journey, Jacqueline discovered the merits of a bathroom footrest as a client of Exhale; not to mention remembering her dad advocating this via a Chinese herbalist he was seeing over 30 years ago!