PROPPR toilet foot stools

Australian Made Week celebrating Australia’s Local Makers and Growers

This week is the first ever Australian Made Week (24-30 May) celebrating Australian Made products across the country.

Did you know that every time you choose an Australian Made product, you’re making a difference to a local business, their workforce, the community, local families, and our industries more broadly?

According to recent Roy Morgan research, if every household spent an extra $10 a week on Australian Made products, it would inject an additional $5 billion into the economy each year and create up to 11,000 new jobs. Further, new consumer research from Roy Morgan also showed that the preference for Australian-made goods continued to increase in 2020, with 93% of Australians stating they are more likely to buy products made in Australia – up from 87% the previous year.

Roy Morgan Chief Executive Officer, Michele Levine, said, “Australian-made products have experienced a surge in support during 2020 with a large majority of 93% of Australians more likely to buy a product that is ‘made in Australia’, up 6% points from 2019. Less than 1% of Australians say they are less likely to buy a product that is ‘made in Australia’; unchanged on a year ago.”

“The closure of international borders and restrictions on travel around the world appears to have helped increase support for Australian-made goods,” Ms Levine said.

Here at the PROPPR we love celebrating Australian brands all year round, but especially this week for ‘Australian Made Week’. We’ve made a conscious decision to look at buying Australian Made this week to support local businesses and champion all things Aussie.

“When you buy Australian Made products, you are creating jobs now and into the future. Every Australian Made product purchased is directly supporting 900,000 people and thousands of businesses. And one job in manufacturing produces three to four jobs in other parts of the economy”, said Australian Made chief executive, Ben Lazzaro.

During this week of celebrating and supporting Australia’s local makers and growers, we’d also like to acknowledge and thank our fantastic manufacturers, Emtek and APF, who make our timber and acer PROPPR toilet foot stools here locally.

In addition to our toilet foot stools being made in Australia, we are particularly proud that our timber PROPPRs are all made from Australian grown timbers. The plywood materials used in our award-winning timber PROPPR is made from naturally and sustainably grown resources.

To all of our PROPPR supporters, we say a huge “thank you” for choosing us and Australian Made, and for supporting our small start-up Aussie ‘poo stool’ business. Let’s all keep it going and make some conscious decisions this week to further support local Australian makers and growers; and perhaps not just this week but all year round.